Past Awardees


Spring 2025Project TitleInvestigator and CollaboratorsAffiliations and OrganizationsAmount 
2025 Southwest Symposium, Historical Trajectories in Northwest Mexico and the US Southwest1. Laurie Webster, 2. Matthew Pailes1. Independent Researcher, 2. Associate Professor, Anthropology, University of Oklahoma$1,000.00
GRITT Summer 2025 Archaeology Training Program1. Jacque Kocer, 2. Thaddeus Liebert1. Graduate Student, Anthropology, UNM,  2. Project Director, SWCA$6,000.00
Spring 2024Project TitleInvestigator and CollaboratorsAffiliations and OrganizationsAmount 
 Oaxacan Art and Politics: The Ungovernable Aesthetics of Colectivo Subterráneos1. Toni L. Gentilli,  2. Gustavo Garcia,   3. Natalia Marla Toscano, 4. Irene Vasquez, 5.Pável Acevedo, 6. Colectivo Subterráneos1. Curator of Exhibits, Maxwell Museum of Anthropology, UNM; 2 & 3. Graduate Students, Chicana/o Studies, UNM; 4. Professor & Chair Chicana/o Studies, and Director, Southwest Hispanic Research Institute, UNM, 5. Mixtepec Press$10,000.00
 Archaeological Consultations with Indigenous Communities in Southern Belize1. Keith Prufer, 2. Beth Dorgay 1. Professor, Anthropology, UNM, 2. Scientific Director, Ya’axche’ Conservation Trust$5,284.00
 Establishing a Local Indigenous Advisory Council for the Orang Asli Health and Lifeways Project1. Ian Wallace, 2. Colin Nicholas1. Assistant Professor, Anthropology, UNM, 2. Founder and Coordinator, Center for Orang Asli Concerns $10,000.00
 Honoring Tradition and Innovation: 100 Years of Santa Fe's Indian Market 1922-20221. Cathy Notarnicola, 2. Jamie Schultz, 3. Anna Gallegos1. Graduate Student, Anthropology, UNM; 2 Director, Southwestern Association of Indian Arts (SWAIA), 3. Director, Museum of New Mexico Press$9,000.00
Fall 2023Project TitleInvestigator and CollaboratorsAffiliations and OrganizationsAmount 
 Ancestral Gila Homelands: Indigenous Kinship Ties and Land Ethics—2,000 Years, Before and Beyond1. Dr. Michelle Kells1. Associate Professor, Chicana & Chicano Studies, UNM & Executive Director, Southwest Environmental Education Cooperative, co-sponsored with Native American Studies, Center for Regional Studies,. Institute of American Indian Research, and . Sustainability Studies, UNM,  Community Foundation of Southern New Mexico$10,000.00
 Passing the Fire”: Diné C.A.R.E. Founding Member Interviews1. Cameron Zarrabzadeh, 2. Robyn Jackson1. Graduate Student, Anthropology, UNM; 2. Executive Director, Diné C.A.R.E.$10,000.00
 Women Constructing Other Women: Social Practice, Co-Construction, and Self-Discovery through Creative Works in the Tertulias Peer Support Project with Women Immigrants from Mexico1. Janet Page-Reeves, 2. Lidia Regino, 3. Maria Tellez1. Professor and Vice Chair for Research, Office for Community Health, Department of Family & Community Medicine; 2. Program Operations Director, Tertulias Research Project, Office for Community Health, UNM, and 3. Tertulias Engagement Director$10,000.00
 Understanding the Relationship between Learning Diné Bizaad and Holistic Wellbeing of Young Diné learners, their Families and Communities1. Tiffany Lee,  2. Melvatha Chee,  3. Wendy Greyeyes1. Distinguished Professor, Native American Studies , 2. Assistant Professor Linguistics, UNM; 3. Associate Professor, Native American Studies, UNM$10,000.00
 Wicazo Sa Review Lecture Series1. Lloyd Lee,  2. Madeline Rose Mendoza1. Professor, Native American Studies, UNM; 2. Graduate Student, Native American Studies, UNM $3,000.00
 ALL REZ: A Vernacular Response 1. Christopher Albert, 2. Rapheal Begay, 3. Matthew Chase-Daniel, 4. Jerry Wellman1. Preparator, Maxwell Museum of Anthropology, UNM; 2. Independent Artist & Curator, 3. Museum Consultant & Independent Curator, 4. Co-Director, Axle Contemporary$9,424.00
Spring 2023 AwardsProject TitleInvestigator and CollaboratorsAffiliation Amount 
 Support for Garifuna Language Classes1. Andrew Gorvetzian, 2. Vernan Ramos1, Graduate Student, Anthropology, UNM; Asociación Afro-Garfiuna de Nicaragua (AAGANIC)$3,400.00
 Language and Cultural Outreach1. Emma Trentman, 2. Heather Sweetser, 3. Glenn Fetzer1. Director, Language Learning Center, UNM and 2. Instructor, Arabic, UNM and NMOLE; 3.Professor, Languages and Linguistics, NMSU,  NMOLE$10,000.00
 Incorporating Cultural Information in Forensic Casework: Insights from South Texas and Guatemala1. Kelly Kamnikar,  2. Heather JH Edgar, 3. M. Kate Spradley,  4. Daniel Jimenez1. Post-doctoral Researcher, Anthropology,  2. Professor, Anthropology & Pathology/Office of the Medical Investigator, UNM; 3. Professor,  Texas State University, 4. Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Forenses, $6,120.00
 Rostros Migrantes (Migrant Faces)1. Kimberle López,  2. Derli Romero,1.  Associate Professor, Spanish & Portuguese, UNM,  2. Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo & Universidad de Guadalajara$2,450.00
Fall 2022Project TitleInvestigator and CollaboratorsAffiliations and OrganizationsAmount 
 Proyecto Jaranera: The Poetics of Son Jarocho1. Natalia Toscano, 2. Gustavo Garcia, 3. Ruben Loza,  4. Irene Vasquez1.-3. Graduate Students, 4. Chair & Professor, Chicana/o Studies, UNM; 3. Chicana/o Studies Graduate Student Association (CSGSA), 4. El Centro de la Raza,  5. Los Jaraneros del Valle$10,000.00
 Contemporary Pueblo Perspectives on Ancestral Jewelry Production: Working with Santo Domingo and Zuni Artists1. Hannah Matson,  2.  Kari Schleher, 3. Christopher Chavez1. Assistant Professor, Anthropology,  2. Assistant Professor, Anthropology & Curator, Maxwell Museum of Anthropology, UNM; 3. Tribal Historic Presrvation Officer, Santa Domingo Pueblo$9,967.00
 Centering Community through Critical Arts-Based Education: Documentary Film1. Cassie Smith, 2. Emma S. Barrientos, 3.  Paul Del Bosque, 4. Joe Rocha, 5. Marina Kinzy1. Graduate Student, Anthropology, UNM, 2. Mexican American Cultural Center, 3-5. Community Filmmakers$10,000.00
 Enhancing and Supporting Local Indigenous Scholars in the Study of Dancing and Running Traditions among Native Americans in New Mexico1. Ian Wallace, 2. Jordan Martinez, 3. Travis Thompson, 4. Dustin Martin1. Assistant Professor, Anthropology, 2.  Graduate Student, Anthropology, 3. Undergraduate Student, Anthropology, UNM; 4 .Director, Wings of America$4,700.00
Spring 2022Project TitleInvestigator and CollaboratorsAffiliations and OrganizationsAmount 
 Building Partnerships in Tribal Consultations 1. Kari Schleher, 2. Lorraine Gala Lewis 1. Assistant Professor, Anthropology & Curator, Maxwell Museum of Anthroplogy, 2. Member, Laguna/Taos/Hopi$10,000.00
 Market Integration and Human-Environment Interactions in Northern Alaska: The Walakpa Site1. Abigail Judkins, 2. Anne Jensen1. Graduate Student, Anthropology, UNM, 2. Iñupiat History Language & Culture Commission$2,000.00
 iArch Exhibit - Pueblo Contemporary Architecture1. Ted Jojola, 2. Dr. Lynn Paxson, 3.  Paula Mirabal1. Distinguished Professor, Center for Regional Planning, Indigenous Design + Planning Institute, UNM, 2. Emeritus Professor, Iowa State University, 3. Head Curator, Indian Pueblo Cultural Center$10,000.00
 Indigenous Borderlands in North America Conference1. Samuel Truett, 2. Joshua Reid, 3.  Elizabeth Ellis, 4. Nakia Parker, 5. Boyd Cothran1. Associate Professor, History & Director, Center for the Southwest, UNM, 2. Associate Professor, University of Washington, 3. Assistant Professor, New York University, 4. Assistant Professor, Michigan State University, 5. Associate Professor, York University$10,000.00
 Sephardic Ancestors of New Mexico: Community Building through Genealogy Research1. Sarah Leiter,  2. Monique Martinez,  3. Ana Maria Gallegos , 4. José Antonio Esquibel,  5. Rabbi Dr. Jordan Gendra 1. Graduate Student, Anthropology, UNM, 2. and 3.  NM Sephardic Research, 4. Independent researcher, Knight of the Order of Isabella, 5. Sephardic Heritage Institute NM$2,000.00
 Reconnecting Communities and Their Collections in Museums Abroad1. Felicia Katz-Harris1. Graduate Student, Anthropology, UNM, Curator of Asian Folk Art, Museum of International Folk Art, Santa Fe$2,000.00
2021Project TitleInvestigator and CollaboratorsAffiliations and OrganizationsAmount 
Enhancing and Supporting Local Indigenous Scholars in the Study of Skeletal Health among Native Americans in New Mexico1. Ian Wallace, 2. Christopher Toya1. Assistant Professor, Anthropology, UNM, 2. Christophe Toya, Tribal Historic Preservation Officer, Jemez Pueblo$4,700.00
2020Project TitleInvestigator and CollaboratorsAffiliations and OrganizationsAmount 
Independencia Territorial, Educacional, y de Salud: Encuentro Intercultural entre los Sanapaná (Paraguay) y los Nasa (Colombia)1. Jens Van Gysel, 2. Richard File-Muriel1. Graduate Student, Linguistics, 2. Study Abroad, UNM
Intercultural Indigenous Research and Exchange in Mexico El Centro de la Raza1. Jorge Garcia, 2. Ze Mazatl, 1. Graduate Student, El Centro de la Raza , Chicana and Chicano Studies, UNM